#NatureSpeaks: 30 #Poems in 30 Days – Day 13: Flint and Feathers, by Lisa Walker

My home is a valley of flint and feathers.
My understanding of life
smooth-polished over the ages.
The spark in my heart ignited to flame
and left to glow as gentle embers.
I look to the sky to see red kites circle
high above. Flashes of bronzed russet
swooping by, carrying life on the edge of a straight-arrowed tail.
As I weigh the cool, heavy certainty of stone,
with its sharp edge, in now-ageing hands;
breezed against the lofty soft-flow-freedom of feathers,
I think of you and the dream we once cradled.
The distance vast between us.
The beginning that never breathed.

Flint and Feathers was inspired by the poem Birds and Stone. You can read more of Lisa’s poetry at Lisa Writes Poems. Lisa also has a debut poetry book coming out, which you can learn more about here.

Submissions are still open for the Nature Speaks of Love and Sorrow: 30 Poems in 30 Days Collaboration. The submission details are located here.

Jeff Flesch

Author, #1 Amazon New Release Nature Speaks of Love and Sorrow

Co-Author, #1 Amazon Bestseller, Wounds I Healed: The Poetry of Strong Women

Author of the Month, Jan/Feb 2022, Spillwords Press

#poetry, #30-poems-in-30-days, #age, #colors, #distance, #flame, #flint-and-feathers, #freedom, #heart, #heavy, #home, #life, #light, #love, #nature, #naturespeaks, #poem, #red-kites, #spark, #stone, #weight