A Shadow, and A Prayer

Tangled weeds thread hope
and despair
through the nub of desire

a sensuous screenplay
evoking memories of you

softened by time
by the wind
and by the telepathy
between two souls destined to begin

one moment
mirrors the next
as time becomes irrelevant —

are two
made of one
a shadow, and a prayer

calling down the hopes of another sun

Image aalmeidah, Pixabay

Twitter #vss365 prompt words used: sensuous, screenplay, nub. Follow me on Twitter here, and Instagram here.


It was great to drop in on a few of your sites recently and read your amazing poetry and other creative works.

This past year, I’ve been super busy, both personally and professionally.

Personally, I’ve taken to traveling and am actually currently typing this blog post in London while my life partner reads upstairs in the hotel we are staying in. It’s been a wild year, full of love, light, and discomfort too, as I’ve been asked to grow more and to grow in new ways, yet all of it has been amazing.

Professionally, I and the newly expanded team are doing well. We are currently creating the next academic year’s work, which requires a lot of strategic thinking and planning.

Though I’ve not been writing much at all, I am planning to begin to write more each week and to also visit the blogosphere as my schedule allows.

I hope you have all been well.

I am sending you all of my love and blessings.


Jeff Flesch

#1 Amazon best-selling Author of Nature Speaks of Love and Sorrow

Co-Author, #1 Amazon Bestseller, Wounds I Healed: The Poetry of Strong Women

Jan/Feb 2022 Author of the Month

#poetry, #beginagain, #despair, #hope, #illusion, #life, #memory, #nature, #prayer, #reality, #shadow, #souls, #sun, #time