scripted truth

I rest my eyes
on the sunset, long in shadow
and lost in temptation

I recall
a coddled wall
of memories

where backlash
found safety, a thin membrane
of projection

and a hurled osmosis
of confusion

a scripted truth

transmigration, and the cosmosis birth
of you

Photo by PeterKraayvanger, Pixabay

Twitter #vss365 prompt words used: coddle, hurl, script. Follow me on Twitter here.

It occurred to me recently that I’ve not yet shared all of my response poems to the Nature Speaks of Love and Sorrow: 30 Poems in 30 Days Collaboration. Therefore, over the next several weeks, I will share a couple of them each week, along with the poet that inspired my poetic response.

Here are the first two.

Artless Love

they alight on a leaf
tranquil, and made up of a piece
of our love

the broken bits
sewn back together
by the sky


restless, and tired
I linger in the alcove

where mist
displays the toxicity of the pain
in my head

in my heart

drifting with the wind
I stop
and realize

are the one that’s always been
and will always be

by the rendition of an artless love

Artless Love was inspired by the poem Butterflies Blue, by Shruthi.

Lonely, and Desolate

confusion abounds inside my head
while I linger along a street
lonely, and


toward the sunshine over the horizon
I melt

a pool of wonderment
and of awe

the stars to appear in the sky
I too

you are at the center of my life
teaching me more
than any book could possibly

the love
you’ve delivered to me
over the course of my life

Lonely, and Desolate was inspired by the poem Stay Away, by Spriha Kant.

Jeff Flesch

Author, #1 Amazon Bestseller Nature Speaks of Love and Sorrow

Co-Author, #1 Amazon Bestseller, Wounds I Healed: The Poetry of Strong Women

Author of the Month, Jan/Feb 2022, Spillwords Press

#poetry, #30-poems-in-30-days, #clarity, #confusion, #cosmos, #healing, #life, #love, #memories, #nature, #naturespeaks, #poem, #projection, #promise-and-possibility, #renewal, #scripted-truth