watching wicked

I sit in silence
wicked blues, and greens

across the horizon of mind

a prompt
and nature of cosmos
in, and out of time

days once lost
are now filled with love, and with the

of you close
realizing this truth

I hold tight
and never let you go

Photo by M_Graham, Pixabay

Twitter #vss365 prompt words used: wicked, prompt, day, lost. Follow me on Twitter here.

Prized Possession, Published at MasticadoresUSA

I am pleased to announce that my poem, Prized Possession, is now available at MasticadoresUSA. Thank you, Barbara Leonhard, and the team at MasticadoresUSA for your continued support, and for publishing this piece.

Prized Possession

I look in the mirror
and find
a reflection, known to none, yet
known to all

a persona of nature
and of soul, dancing within
an interlude, a prized possession –

I’d be honored if you would read the full poem here. Thank you!

Here is the last poetic response to the Nature Speaks of Love and Sorrow: 30 Poems in 30 Days Collaboration that I have written at this time. If time permits, I will write poetic responses to the last 4 or 5 beautiful poems that were submitted to this collaboration.

Rise Again

sitting with the feelings that arise
it was your eyes

always looked into
like the sun

a shadowed world

grays, mixed with other fragrant

a burgeoning in my heart

when you chose to depart
this plane for another, it kept me

among the pain and mourning
deep within

though I now realize
this pain wasn’t a sin

so, I rise again

Rise Again was inspired by the poem, The Resurrection of Red by, Camellia.

Jeff Flesch

#1 Amazon Bestselling Author of Nature Speaks of Love and Sorrow

Co-Author, #1 Amazon Bestseller, Wounds I Healed: The Poetry of Strong Women

Jan/Feb 2022 Author of the Month, Spillwords Press

#poetry, #30-poems-in-30-days, #awareness, #colors, #cosmos, #heart, #life, #love, #masticadoresusa, #mind, #nature, #naturespeaks, #poem, #promise, #publication, #realization, #silence, #truth, #watching-wicked

#NatureSpeaks: 30 #Poems in 30 Days – Day 17: The Resurrection of Red, by Camellia

When was the last time
We turned the pages of our photo album?
Our memories changed colors,
Stripped of its blues, the red walked alone…
A haunting in lavender, the mountain shook
As our watery hearts created a world,
Trapped between latitudes and longitudes…
Emerald leaves, signed with secrets,
Flew in the wind…
I guess you were always like a quiet forest,
And I was the sun that shined through you,
Blinded by my own light…
Eyes closed, mind opened at last,
I surrender to your empty canopy…

The Resurrection of Red was inspired by the poem Lavender Sheds. You can read more of Camellia’s poetry on Twitter here.

Submissions are still open for the Nature Speaks of Love and Sorrow: 30 Poems in 30 Days Collaboration. The submission details are located here.

Jeff Flesch

Author, #1 Amazon New Release Nature Speaks of Love and Sorrow

Co-Author, #1 Amazon Bestseller, Wounds I Healed: The Poetry of Strong Women

Author of the Month, Jan/Feb 2022, Spillwords Press

#poetry, #30-poems-in-30-days, #blind, #colors, #forest, #haunting, #heart, #life, #love, #memories, #mind, #mountains, #nature, #naturespeaks, #poem, #sight, #sun, #trapped

#NatureSpeaks: 30 #Poems in 30 Days – Day 13: Flint and Feathers, by Lisa Walker

My home is a valley of flint and feathers.
My understanding of life
smooth-polished over the ages.
The spark in my heart ignited to flame
and left to glow as gentle embers.
I look to the sky to see red kites circle
high above. Flashes of bronzed russet
swooping by, carrying life on the edge of a straight-arrowed tail.
As I weigh the cool, heavy certainty of stone,
with its sharp edge, in now-ageing hands;
breezed against the lofty soft-flow-freedom of feathers,
I think of you and the dream we once cradled.
The distance vast between us.
The beginning that never breathed.

Flint and Feathers was inspired by the poem Birds and Stone. You can read more of Lisa’s poetry at Lisa Writes Poems. Lisa also has a debut poetry book coming out, which you can learn more about here.

Submissions are still open for the Nature Speaks of Love and Sorrow: 30 Poems in 30 Days Collaboration. The submission details are located here.

Jeff Flesch

Author, #1 Amazon New Release Nature Speaks of Love and Sorrow

Co-Author, #1 Amazon Bestseller, Wounds I Healed: The Poetry of Strong Women

Author of the Month, Jan/Feb 2022, Spillwords Press

#poetry, #30-poems-in-30-days, #age, #colors, #distance, #flame, #flint-and-feathers, #freedom, #heart, #heavy, #home, #life, #light, #love, #nature, #naturespeaks, #poem, #red-kites, #spark, #stone, #weight

heart strong

the pale
and lambent sky
is dried

and full of mist

swirling in colors, made of notes
a song


in the east
where my heart is strong
and just enough

with you

the music of my life
and my one and only love

Photo by brittanygraytoday, Pixabay

Twitter #vss365 prompt words used: pale, lambent, east. You can follow me on Twitter here.

Submissions are still open for the Nature Speaks of Love and Sorrow: 30 Poems in 30 Days Collaboration, and will remain open until September 23. The submission details are located here.

#poetry, #anxiety, #calm, #colors, #heart, #life, #love, #music, #nature, #poem, #resilience, #sky, #strength, #uneasy, #unknown