Lilac and Mint, Published at MasticadoresUSA

I am pleased to announce that my poem, Plum Trees, is now available at MasticadoresUSA. Thank you to Gabriela Marie Milton, and the team at MasticadoresUSA for their continued support and for publishing this piece.

Lilac and Mint

I walk toward the moon
lilac and mint waft through the night
a fragrance

bruising my heart, and
hard to define

it’s you…

I would be honored if you would go here, and read the rest of my poem. Thank you!

Photo by LalalaB, Pixabay

Jeff Flesch

Author, #1 Amazon New Release Nature Speaks of Love and Sorrow

Co-Author, #1 Amazon Bestseller, Wounds I Healed: The Poetry of Strong Women

Author of the Month, Jan/Feb 2022, Spillwords Press

#poetry, #connection, #dream, #haunting, #heart, #heartache, #loss, #love, #masticadoresusa, #nature, #poem, #publication, #reminiscence

Plum Trees, Published at MasticadoresUSA

I am pleased to announce that my poem, Plum Trees, is now available at MasticadoresUSA. Thank you to Gabriela Marie Milton, and the team at MasticadoresUSA for their continued support and for publishing this piece.

Plum Trees

plum trees always take
my breath away

as in their shade, we play
with notions of hope and trust

and a little bit of the magic seen
within the last bunch…

I would be honored if you would go here, and read the rest of my poem. Thank you!

Photo by ArtTower, Pixabay

Jeff Flesch

Author, #1 Amazon New Release Nature Speaks of Love and Sorrow

Co-Author, #1 Amazon Bestseller, Wounds I Healed: The Poetry of Strong Women

Author of the Month, Jan/Feb 2022, Spillwords Press

#poetry, #dream, #flowers, #heart, #hope, #life, #love, #masticadoresusa, #nature, #plum-trees, #poem, #pulication, #trust

golden sunsets

I ramble with the sky
looking into the center, a vaccum

of space and time

the cosmic qualities of you and me

the golden sunsets
we continue to dream

Photo by ArtTower, Pixabay

#poetry, #connection, #consciousness, #cosmos, #dream, #goden-sunsets, #heart, #life, #love, #poem, #space-and-time

The Moon’s Lullaby, Published at MasticadoresUSA

I am so pleased to announce that my poem, The Moon’s Lullaby, is now available at MasticadoresUSA. Thank you to Gabriela Marie Milton, and the team at MasticadoresUSA for their continued support, and for publishing this piece.

The Moon’s Lullaby

moon night, I shine,
bottomless love is divine…

I had a conversation with the moon once. It was long ago, during a mist-covered evening, I was feeling quite lonely, and out of the ordinary. That evening the moon shined brighter than I’d ever seen.

It did almost feel like…

I would be honored if you would go here, and read the rest of my poem. Thank you!

Photo by Prettysleepy, Pixabay

#poetry, #contemplation, #dream, #emotion, #feelings, #heart, #introspection, #life, #love, #masticadoresusa, #moon, #nature, #poem, #reflection

Midnight’s Dream

There was a time when sandalwood dawned the day, I remember the blood and sweat, and all the fallen decay.

The night was darker than anyone’s remembrance of our plight. It was as if the sea had crested over the town, leaving in its wake, no sound.

A tinkling in the air was all that was left.

A regard for fairy’s, we used to jest.

In between the tall trees, and the grassy leaves, we spent the summer in midnight’s dream; and, just when I thought darkness might envelop the entire world, a kiss from you sent me toward the light, unfurled.

Emerging from beyond the dream, did we; as stars rained down, and we caught love, watching it bourgeon like the sun.

Do you remember, hon?

It was our first starry night, two lovers underneath a canopy of brilliance, their life barely begun.

Photo by Prettysleepy, Pixabay

#poetry, #brilliance, #dream, #first-love, #life, #love, #midnights, #nature, #poem, #prose, #romance, #sea, #stars

mauve patterns

humanity is like a dream, closing
in on me, feeling

drowning on the tide, consciousness
fleeing with the setting
sun, and

of falling love

raining mauve patterns
across my

delivering reassurance of a kind, as
the sand in between my toes

a doe, as it flits across the field,
wandering into nature’s

of a love, made real…

Photo by 12019, Pixabay

#poetry, #consciousness, #dream, #heart, #humanity, #life, #love, #mauve, #mind, #nature, #poem

ravens flying on wings, Published at MasticadoresIndia

I am excited to share my poem, ravens flying on wings, which is now available at MasticadoresIndia. A big thank you to Terveen Gill, and the entire team at MasticadoresIndia for publishing this piece, and for their continued support.

ravens flying on wings

the curtains, pulled tight, made of silk, and
reminiscent of the night, reminds me of
a time, before transgression,

possessions of body and mind…

I would be honored if you would go here and read the rest of my poem. Thank you!

Photo by Ryunosuke Kikuno on Unsplash

#poetry, #clarity, #connection, #contemplation, #dream, #freedom, #heart, #illusion, #introspection, #masticadoresindia, #mind, #nature, #poems, #publication, #reality, #reflection

our loving escape…

love lost and unadorned, yet remembered, and
stored, for it’s you, I’ve always adored…

like butterflies have wings, you always see me,
as I am, not another iteration of a dream

making my towards you, raising through the seas
of possibility, and tranquility, I look forlorn
at times

yet, know

you’re always there with a helpful hand, guiding me,
through ordeals trivial, and those most plentiful,
and mystical

remembering this, gives way to a love
deep within

like sap running through the veins of a tree,
my heart pumps love throughout my
beings entirety

holding it in place, creating a soft and textured space,
for our loving escape…

The opening line to this poem, and thus the entire poem, was inspired by a wonderful poem, titled November, by Simmi, of Rose-Colored Glasses? If you’ve not yet visited Simmi’s site, and read the poetry there, please do so, it is lovely.

Photo by Stergo, Pixabay

#poetry, #connection, #contemplation, #dream, #heart, #introspection, #life, #love, #nature, #poem, #reminiscence, #romance

with a love, so freeing

come and go,
it’s these
we’ve been bestowed

upon a sea

of tranquility,
at times, yes,
past our ability
to understand completely

and, yet,
when quiet, and

we can learn more
from the seas ability

to transcend
our individuality,
into a one commonality

uniting us,
like the flowers,
trees, and the streams,

we dream

of this togetherness,
within our hearts
held tight, as the light
goes out from this planets beings

and, for you and me,
we then see…

possibilities expand
as we let go of our
preconceived notions
of what we think
love should be,
and stay open
to new realities of being,
with a love, so freeing…

Photo by frank mckenna on Unsplash

#poetry, #dream, #heart, #life, #light, #love, #nature, #planet, #poem, #possibility, #understanding, #unity

of a love so pristine

Photo by Nurullah نورالله التركي on Unsplash

splinters wood,
and you tried
as hard
as you could

in each instance

a different
set of circumstances,
presented, just as
the flower
reminds me
of the love in forever

we daydream,
and cast our nets
into the stream,
consciousness, in-between

you and me

far as it seems,
it is here,
and now, just
as it was
intended to be

a dream?

maybe, yet
does it really matter
to the flower, or
the stream…

they continue
to flower, and
continue to stream
of what comes up
on their inner screen

how serene, and

is this dream
we call
a reality
of all
that we’ve gleaned

of a love so pristine

#poetry, #consciousness, #contemplation, #dream, #emotions, #flower, #introspection, #life, #love, #poem, #reality, #stream